X-GDPR is an innovative privacy solution designed and built to meet the requirements of the new European regulation GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation - Regolamento UE 2016/679). X-GDPR offers a proactive and multidisciplinary approach as imposed by the law allowing to manage organizational models starting from the design of privacy processes in he company according to the data protection by design and by default principle.
The change required by the new legislation is radical as it moves from a “bureaucratic“ type of privacy based on policies / documents to a procedural and process (substantive) privacy. The GDPR based on our XBPR platform is a natural and intuitive implementation of the requirements imposed by the newer regulation and is able to adapt to any changes / additions as occurred for the Legislative Decree 101/2018 of harmonization of national legislation at the Regolamento UE n. 679 del 2016.
The points that distinguish this brand new regulation:
Il regolamento suggerisce caldamente l’adozione di sistemi software che siano in grado di mappare i flussi dei dati in ingresso/uscita dall’azienda e i flussi già presenti nei propri applicativi (processi di lavoro interni) in un’ottica estesa adottando metodologie riconosciute. X-GDPR a questo scopo utilizza la metodologia Event Driven Process Chain (EPC).
With XBPR, it is possible to automate the business processes required by the GDPR and enerate, in both automatic and manual mode, the documents necessary for regulatory compliance:
Both, automatic and manual authorization of documents necessary for GDPR regulatory compliance.
For each document generated and archived, it is also available the relative process instance that generated it with the details of the times and of all the entities involved (data, activities, organizational structures, application systems).
To simplify and reduce the duration of any checks by the guarantor or by the PO, X-GDPR provides a dedicated perspective with the aim of guiding the inspectors in the verification process through an autonomous pathway reducing to the minimum necessary the intervention by the owner
The main feature of X-GDPR is to implement a privacy consistent with the processes and organizational structures: